Chile - A Land of Extremes

Preposterously thin and unreasonably long, Chile stretches from the belly of South America to its foot, reaching from the driest desert on earth to vast southern glacial fields. Diverse landscapes unfurl over a 4300km stretch: parched dunes, fertile valleys, volcanoes, ancient forests, massive glaciers and fjords. There's wonder in every detail and nature on a symphonic scale. For the traveler, it's boggling how so much has stayed intact for so long. The very human quest for development could imperil these treasures sooner than we think. Yet for now, Chile guards some of the most pristine parts of our planet, and they shouldn't be missed.

In Chile, adventure is what happens on the way to having an adventure.  Serendipity takes over. Plans may be made, but try being just as open to experience. Locals never rush, so maybe you shouldn’t either. 'Those who hurry waste their time,' is the Patagonian saying that would serve well as a traveler's mantra.

Chilean Wine Culture

Before wine became an export commodity for the luxury set, humble casks had their place on every Chilean table. Grandparents tended backyard orchards. Now, Chile has become a worldwide producer catering to ever more sophisticated palates. Rich reds, crisp whites and floral rosés, there is a varietal that speaks to every mood and occasion. But at home, it's something different. Chileans embrace the concept of la buena mesa. It’s not about fancy. Beyond a good meal, it’s great company, the leisure of overlapping conversations with uncorkings, and the gaze that's met at the clink of two glasses. Salud!

La Buena Onda

In Chile, close borders foster backyard intimacy. Bookended by the Andes and the Pacific, the country averages just 175km wide. No wonder you start greeting the same faces. Pause and it starts to feel like home. Perhaps it's because you've landed at the end of the continent, but one thing that stands out is hospitality. Buena onda (good vibes) means putting forth a welcoming attitude. Patagonians share round upon round of maté tea. The ritual of relating and relaxing is so integral to the fabric of local life, it’s hardly even noticed.

ROAM Adventures in Chile

    Patagonia Camp

    7 Days

    Few destinations in Patagonia capture the imagination like Torres del Paine. With its ultra-photogenic granite spires, wind-swept plains and turquoise glacier-fed lakes, it is a surreal landscape begging to be explored and this ROAM adventure captures this Southern Patagonia experience…

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      Chilean Lakes District Multi-Sport

      7 Days

      Do it all on the all-inclusive Lakes District Multi-Sport in Chile. Activities include rafting, whitewater kayaking, SUP, horseback riding, mountain biking, trekking on volcanoes, climbing, canyoning, yoga, zip lining and soaking in natural hot springs!

      Based on 0 Review

        Futaleufu Multi-Sport

        8 Days

        There are few places left in the world as wild and unruffled by the hands of man as Patagonia. The little-visited northern half of Chilean Patagonia is a markedly different world where fairy tale rainforests, puffing volcanoes, raging rivers and…

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          Futaleufu Kayak Week

          8 Days

          Rivers are central to this part of northern Patagonia. A cacophony of unruly waterways surges out of the Andes, knitting the country together, slicing through canyons, cascading between dark lakes, and the Futaleufu River is the crowning jewel of them…

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            Futaleufu Rafting Adventure

            9 Days

            From Alaska to Zambia, people speak of the Río Futaleufú (pronounced foo-tah-lay-foo) with great revere. It is one of the greatest whitewater-rafting rivers on earth. In the Indigenous Mapuche language, Futaleufú means “big water.” The name doesn’t really do it…

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              Patagonia Overland Jeep Safari

              9 Days

              ROAM’s Patagonia Overland Safaris utilize specially equipped Jeep Wranglers offering you the most unique of experiences among the jaw-dropping landscapes of wild Patagonia. These safaris were designed with adventure, safety, luxury, comfort and style in mind. Choose between our guided…

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